Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Rainbow Express® moves out!

rainbowexpresssummer2016beginsRainbow Express® picks up steam as the first full week of summer begins.

Twelve different youth groups are here this week, and they are leading Rainbow Express® in thirty-one (31) different locations.

Mission Arlington® houses these student groups without charge, as they move throughout our community every morning and afternoon.  Some from these groups are staying here during the day to help with various chores at the mission.

Children will learn about

  1. the calling of Peter (day 1),
  2. the feeding of the 5,000 (day 2),
  3. Peter’s denial and forgiveness (day 3),
  4. and about sharing the good news.

This pattern will be repeated through June. On the third day of the week, students will hear a gospel presentation designed specifically for them.

Please keep these student groups in your prayers as they share God’s love with children and youth across our community.

We thank the Lord for sending these teams, and we daily thank Him for the gift of your constant support here. We are truly grateful.


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