Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Summer Camps are underway.

Kiddie Camp 1 - July 5th, 2016 (Lauren's Pictures)-5

July means camps at Mission Arlington®, and it is so much fun!

The FIRST thing to know about our camps is that they are free for all children and youth who participate. Hard working families can know that their children are having a wonderful time learning about the Lord, and that it won’t put a strain on the family budget one bit.  Mission Arlington’s Bible study leaders even provide transportation to and from the camps if needed.

The SECOND thing to know about our camps is that they are designed specifically for different age groups.  We host a camp for younger children – from Kindergarten through 3rd grade. This camp happens Tuesday nights in July (7th, 12th, and 19th), and it’s much-loved nickname is “Kiddie Camp.” We’ve designed a second kind of camp for students who are in the 4th – 6th grade which happens on the first two consecutive saturdays in July. Finally, we sponsor a camp for 7th – 12th graders – Youth Camps – on the last two Saturdays in July.

A THIRD important understanding about these camps is is that they are a lot of fun.  Outdoor games, songs with a lot of movement, great camp food, hands-on crafts, and Bible stories designed not just to teach God’s Word, so that they will know the stories of the Bible, but also to help each student know Christ personally, and to develop in their faith with Him. Our camps for children and youth, in partnership with our good friends from Camp Thurman, include zip lines, swimming pools, and a beautiful outdoor setting.

A FOURTH awareness is the Mission family’s commitment to prayer for each one of these 7 camps. We are so grateful for the creativity and dedication of each Bible study leader, driver, and partners in these weeks. The Lord prompts people’s hearts, and they respond to His loving invitation to “make a difference” through their service.   As much as planning is important, and sacrificial effort on the part of many, our commitment of these camps to the Lord forms our central priority. We pray for His leadership with each of these camps, and for His love to permeate every moment.  This is what we would ask of you, especially, through this month of July.  Would you cover these camps in prayer? Won’t it be amazing to see – one day – perhaps not until heaven, how these small efforts were used by the Lord to change many lives for the kingdom?

FINALLY, we want you to know, and we can’t express it enough, how important your gifts, your volunteer efforts, and your prayers mean to us.  We couldn’t walk this journey, now for nearly 30 years, without the constant covering God provides here because of you.  Even if you are not physically at one of these 7 camps, your prayers and support brings you directly into the middle of every effort, and every student touch through this place in July.

Watch for the communications coming out in various places through the next month to stay in touch with how the camps are going.

We are grateful for you.


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