Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

The Confluence of a Beautiful Community

Keller Williams and Nielsen family members work together moving school supplies in place. so our community’s children & youth will have what they need to start school this Fall.

In geography, confluence stands for the “meeting of two or more bodies of water.” In one sense, it means the point where a tributary joins a larger stream. In another sense it refers to the place where two or more streams come together to become the source of a new river altogether.  The Ohio river, for example is created out of three smaller rivers flowing into it.

Mother & Child work together to help others.

Mission Arlington® is one of many places across our city where the principles behind confluence seem so apparent. In a very real sense, we are the ones who stand in the middle. As we say so often, the strength of what the Lord is doing here represents the energy, care, and generosity of a beautiful community. You give through us to others. We receive your gifts, and then we give them away to people in need. We are truly “twice-blessed.” Add to this that our ministry runs primarily by volunteer support, and you realize that not only does our community give the gifts, but you also participate in the organizing and donations of those gifts to people in need.  To use a scriptural analogy from Ecclesiastes 4:12, “a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Through the past few days, we have seen the confluence of so many different strands of our community intersect here – often on the same day – to make a difference in the lives of others.  This past week, on a single day, volunteers from Nielsen, Mutual Liberty, Keller Williams, and Alcon/Novartis joined hands – no longer from separate companies, and no longer “Mission Arlington” or “the community,” but all one, a mighty force for good in the center of our city.  It was extraordinary to watch, and a joy to be a part of.  Add to that a multitude of students from Arlington Collegiate High School on a single day, and hundreds from Ousley Junior High each day this week, and the picture comes together.

In just a few days, we will be joined by young people from across our country, and a few who are coming here from around the world – summer missionaries who will spend the summer here, investing their lives for a season. Beyond that, student groups from every corner of our country will arrive in our city, joining forces to share God’s love in every part of our own city.  An incredible stream of God’s love will flow through our city all summer long.

Day after day, we are honored to be here, to walk this journey with you, and to represent you as we love the people for whom you have sacrificed to receive help.  Even deeper still, we want faithfully to honor our Lord, whose love was proven on a cross so long ago. The drops of mercy which flowed from Calvary have formed a mighty river of unstoppable love for all who will receive it. All glory to God.


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