Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex


North Texas Giving Day – A Note from Tillie

Dear Friends of Mission Arlington®,

We know that your inboxes are full – from a variety of worthy non-profit teams – asking for your extra support on the upcoming North Texas Giving Day, this Thursday, September 19th, from 6:00 a.m. until Midnight.

We want you to know that 1) we are also a recipient on this important day, and that 2) your extra financial support truly makes a difference.


Our Work Reflects Your Heart

When you give financially, or items that people need, we can, in turn, pay someone’s rent, provide diapers & formula for young families, supply nice clothes, so that people can work, or so that students can go to school. We can also distribute healthy food for families who are literally, physically hungry – hundreds of people every day, and school supplies, so that students in families with a little less can start the year like everyone else.

People can also receive care here from a physician, a dentist, or a professional therapist too, along with the prescriptions people need to feel better. Families can gather around their table with a Thanksgiving meal, and children will have Christmas gifts under their tree, because of your extraordinary care. We like to say it this way: “God gives. You give. We give.” We truly believe it, because we see your generosity at work every day.

Your Gifts Get to the People

Our low administrative overhead is documented at 1.47 percent, meaning that more than 98.5 cents of every dollar you give ministers directly to people in need. We believe that every person should be treated with “dignity and respect.” Our hope is to share God’s love with everyone we meet and to provide actual help that matters. Did you know that every service from Mission Arlington is provided “free of charge?”

How to Support Mission Arlington®

From now through September 19th at midnight, you can provide support for Mission Arlington® in two ways. Choose one of the links below to make your contribution:

We are in our 39th year of service at Mission Arlington®, and it has been my privilege to be here every step of the way. Thank you so much for your support!

Tillie Burgin, Director
September 17th, 2024

Date Published: September 17, 2024

Mission Arlington Turns 38-years-old

Happy Birthday, Mission Arlington®

Mission Arlington® turns 38 years old today. It’s hard to believe, but for almost 40 years, the Mission family has been hard at work caring for those in our community who need just a little help to get by. Tillie Burgin, our Executive Director, has been here since the beginning.

With roots in Arlington, Tillie and her family served the Lord in South Korea as missionaries. When they returned in 1978, the sense was, “If you can do missions in Korea (overseas), why can’t we do missions in Arlington (at home)?  After 7 years of concerted prayer efforts in homes across the city, Mission Arlington® came to life. The date was Friday, August 1st, 1986.

Humble Beginnings

The Lord birthed Mission Arlington® through the faithfulness of God’s people at First Baptist Arlington, Tillie’s home church. A phone call for help and a visit led to the start of the first Bible study in an apartment community, and the first baptism in a swimming pool, and the rest is history. Today, the Mission sponsors Bible studies and congregations in over 350 locations across our community, with thousands in attendance each week.

Through the years, the ministries have grown too.  In the early days, people would donate bats, balls, and a few Christmas toys for Tillie to give away. Last year, the free Christmas Store provided gifts for thousands of children.  The medical clinic began in a couple of rooms with a nurse and a few patients, but today has its own building, with a host of medical volunteers in 12 different disciplines, and thousands of patient visits annually. Hundreds of people receive emergency assistance through our front room every day.

A Community Effort

The care which flows through this place represents the strong & beautiful community which surrounds us. We simply pass along (at no charge) what our community first provides – food, clothes, household items, furniture, and so much more.  With a small staff and a correspondingly small administrative overhead (1.47%), it is volunteers from our community who make the difference here.  Medical teams, retirees, church & civic groups, along with small business teams and corporate volunteers, serve here six days each week, providing personal support to struggling individuals and families from our community. We consider ourselves “twice blessed,” receiving first from you, and the by the beautiful people who receive what you provide.

In His Name

Mission Arlington® is now, and always has been, faith based.  As we wrote many years ago

Mission Arlington® belongs to God. This isn’t our story, but His. 
He had plans in place for this Ministry and for all who work here long before it happened. 
He started this mission, sustains us moment by moment, and He holds our future in His hands.

We still believe that today and hope to live out this calling faithfully as we share His love in our community.

Thankful for You

We are grateful that our Lord has placed us in this community. We look forward to caring for people in every possible way, and to sharing His love – alongside each of you – into the future.  Thank you for your faithful support. Come see us!

Date Published: August 1, 2024

Summer Camps Conclude

Camps were Well-Attended

This past Tuesday night, Mission Arlington® concluded its sixth free summer camp of the season. Over nine hundred campers (932) joined the fun through the month of July.

How the Camps Work

Mission Arlington® held six (6) different camps this summer: three (3) for smaller children (k-3rd), two (2) for older children (4th-6th grade), and one youth camp (7th – 12th).

Children & youth who attend these camps invite their neighbors & friends. Volunteer Bible study leaders from our congregations pick up the campers, then make the round-trip transport to and from these camps.

The younger children’s camps are held in central Arlington. The older children’s camps are hosted by the wonderful team at Camp Thurman, and the youth camp happened again this year at SJ Stovall Park. Each camp has activities which are age appropriate. The younger children, for example, enjoy crafts, obstacle courses, running games, fun & silly songs, and more.  The older children enjoy zip lines, Tarzan swings, water slides, and more.

The students from each of our camps receive a hearty meal. The students hear a lesson from God’s word, taught at their level. Our volunteers enjoy spending the day with these students at every level.

A True Blessing

We are so honored and blessed to walk the journey with these young people.  We are so grateful for the support of this community as we share God’s love with students of all ages through these camps.

We are already looking forward to next year.

Come join us, won’t you?

Date Published: July 25, 2024

A cool breeze in a hot summer: Rainbow Express®

A church youth group from Oklahoma City leads Rainbow Express in a central Arlington location this week.

Parents often look for ways to keep their children active during the hot summer months. Suggestions abound, and it seems that there isn’t a shortage of things the kids can do, but at times, this can be costly.

Mission Arlington® offers multiple activities for children & youth during the summer months.  Fun days, summer programs, summer camps, volunteering opportunities, and Rainbow Express® all form part of the fun. Everything offered in and through the Mission is always “free of charge.”

Rainbow Express® is our version of a backyard Bible club. Local youth groups, plus student teams from around Texas and across the nation, arrive in Arlington to be the extension of God’s love into the communities across our city.  Summer Rainbow Express® began in late May and will continue through the end of the summer. Through the first week of June, nearly ten thousand (9,959) children have attended.

These four-day events are designed to be a lot of fun for the kids.  Outdoor running, jumping, or other kinds of high-movement games are part of the fun, along with a few silly songs, some crafts, and snacks too.  The heart of Rainbow Express®, however, is to share God’s love in a very personal way. We do this in one-on-one and small group settings. Stories from the Bible are the core curriculum for each event, and the young people memorize a verse or two of scripture along the way.

As we share God’s love through the fun, the activities, and the Bible stories, we offer an opportunity for these young people to respond to what they have heard.  In this year so far, 125 people have accepted Christ.  Mission Arlington® Bible study teachers and leaders follow-up with each student and every family along the way.  We are so incredibly blessed to serve in this way throughout our community.

One other piece to Rainbow Express® might be important to know.  As we serve in these various locations (apartment communities, neighborhood homes, etc.), we often discover families who are experiencing a moment of need.  The Rainbow Express® event becomes a conduit for more care in the communities.  If a family needs food, for example, or furniture, or a fan, these volunteer student teams let Mission Arlington® know, and we are able to respond.

We are grateful for the privilege we have of serving the Lord alongside of this incredibly generous and beautiful community.  This coming August 1st, we will celebrate our 38th birthday – 38 years of loving people, walking with you, and sharing God’s love.  We are excited about all that is taking place this summer, and we are looking forward to the days ahead.

Date Published: June 13, 2024

Texas Baptists Support Medical Clinic Expansion

Dr. Julio Guarneri of Texas Baptists with Tillie Burgin, Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex.

Texas Baptists Provide Support

Texas Baptists have been supportive of Mission Arlington® from the beginning, partnering with First Baptist Church Arlington and others to help us get started. This past month, some in the Texas Baptist family learned of our need for support to complete the expansion of our Medical Clinic, and they wanted to help.

This past Wednesday, May 8th, convention representatives presented the Mission with a check for $125,000.  Dr. Julio Guarneri, the Executive Director, with his wife Monica, Jerry Carlisle from the Texas Baptist Foundation, and Texas Baptist Convention President Ronnie Marriott, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Burleson, were on hand to share the good news.

Dennis Wiles, pastor and Charles Wade, pastor emeritus from FBC Arlington were also there, along with Tillie Burgin, a few staff and board members from the Mission Arlington®/Mission Metroplex® team.

It was a sweet time for everyone – to be together, and to thank God for what he has done through the Medical Clinic, and also for the many years of Kingdom partnerships shared in the room.

Andrea Wilson, Nurse Practitioner at Mission Arlington, opens a cabinet full of donated BD insulin syringes from Americares in Arlington, Texas on Mon. April 24, 2023 (Photo/Mike Demas)

Medical Clinic Growth

We’ve always responded to the medical needs of people as best we could, but it wasn’t until 2001 that we officially had a Clinic – which operated about 6 hours a week. Later that year, FNP Andrea Wilson joined the team, and the ministry began to grow, opening more hours and treating more people each year. By 2010, the Clinic was open five days (and one evening) each week, and patients were receiving care about 560 times per month.

Fast forward to the end of 2023.  Thirty-two (32) doctors, along with a host of nurses and other medical volunteers treated patients 12,600 times in ten different medical disciplines: family practice, pediatrics, orthopedics, plastic surgery, physical therapy, internal medicine, gynecology, audiology, chiropractic, internal medicine and pediatrics, audiology, and physical medicine & rehabilitation.

The need for more space became evident, and a generous gift from a group of doctors got the ball rolling.  The World Series Champion Texas Rangers and Major League Baseball joined in, and the expansion of the clinic began.  The additional space will add several patient rooms, and a new area for medical triage, expanding our ability for volunteer doctors to treat more people daily. We are truly thankful & blessed.

Thankful to God for You

We are so grateful for the support of Texas Baptists through the years, and especially, with this legacy gift that will make a difference immediately, and for years to come.  We are grateful to each of you who walk with us day by day – giving, helping, and praying for us.  You truly make a difference here, and we are so blessed to walk this journey with you.

Date Published: May 14, 2024

Medical Clinic Expansion Continues

Andrea Wilson, Nurse Practitioner at Mission Arlington, opens a cabinet full of donated BD insulin syringes from Americares at the Clinic last year. Andrea has served as Director of the Clinic for the past 25 years.


Though we don’t have a date yet, the Medical Clinic Expansion continues to move towards completion.  We will post an update with new pictures when the facility opens. Thank you so much for your support.


Our Medical Clinic started in 1990. For more than thirty (34) years, volunteer doctors, nurses, and other health professionals have given their time & talent to treat the health care needs of our community.

Ministry Growth

The number of people receiving care from the Clinic has grown through the years.  From 2021 to 2022, for example, the number of patients receiving free health care grew by 14%.  From 2022 to 2023, the number of patients being treated grew by another 13%.  In 2023, total patient visits to the clinic reached 12,601 people.

In 2023, patients received health care from thirty (30) volunteer medical professionals serving in 12 different disciplines, including, but not limited to, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery, Physical Therapy, Gynecology, Audiology, and more.

Expanding Facilities

The need for more space to care for people was evident, and last year, the Lord brought together medical doctors, the Texas Rangers & Major League Baseball, plus other loving people whose support made the expansion of the clinic space possible.  Construction is currently underway.

When finished, the facility which houses our Clinic will have seven more patient rooms, more triage space, and much more capacity to treat people in need.

We don’t know yet the exact timeline for when it will be finished. When it is, we know that we will be able to host more medical professionals, and to treat more people at the point of their medical needs.

Filled with Gratitude

We are truly grateful for the support of this wonderful community as we serve the Lord here. Thank you so much.

Date Published: April 8, 2024

“World’s Largest” Easter Egg Hunt


2,933 children (with their families) attended this wonderful event.  It was a great day!

An Annual Tradition

On the Saturday before Easter each year, the Mission Arlington® family hosts a giant Easter egg hunt, affectionately called the “World’s Largest.” No one can quite remember how long this fun-filled, family event has been on the calendar, but it has run non-stop each year, going back at least into the 1990s.  During the pandemic, for example, when gathering large groups wasn’t possible, we kept faith with this tradition by taking eggs out to homes, so that each family could host their own egg hunt safely and with much fun.

Dates & Times

The “World’s Largest” Easter egg hunt happens from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 30th.  The event is located outdoors, in the open field behind Grace Street Fellowship. Everyone is invited. Please bring your family and friends.

Fun for the Whole Family

This Easter egg hunt is open for all, and it is especially fun for families.  The event begins with the telling of the original Easter story. Afterwards, families sit around picnic tables to eat lunch outdoors.  Giant bouncy houses cover a large outdoor field, where children can jump and play.  Finally, we provide six-lanes of open field, with an arsenal of over 100,000 plastic Easter eggs, filled with candy.  Children (and their parents) have so much fun hunting for Easter eggs. Truly, this is an event which is  fun for the whole family .

Free of Charge

As with every Mission Arlington® event, this one is also provided “free of charge.” There is no charge to attend the event, and no charge for anything happening within the event.

How you can help

You can bring plastic Easter eggs, and/or individually wrapped bags of candy to Mission Arlington® anytime up to the day of the Egg Hunt.  Volunteers are also a great help. It takes “many hands” to make this event work.  If you, your family, and/or your team, would like to help, please give us a call at 817-704-6143.

We love working with children, and families.  Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). The Easter egg hunt is one of our favorite events of the year.  We hope to see you there!

Date Published: March 27, 2024

Rainbow Express is Ready to Roll

Outdoor running games at a Rainbow Express from Spring Break 2023.

Building Steam

Though we had one group kick us off early with an outreach in February, Rainbow Express® begins again in earnest this March, and we are so EXCITED!

This ministry is our version of a “back-yard Bible club,” with snacks, crafts, music, games, and Bible stories. Children are ready to be outside again, and this long-loved ministry of Mission Arlington® has been (for 37 years) a persistent & positive encouragement to the young people of our community.  The number of student groups coming our way from across the country is on the rise, and we can’t wait to have them here, as they join us in sharing God’s love with this beautiful community.

Preparation & Prayer

The Mission family has been in prayer and preparation for Rainbow Express® for some time.  Prayer for this ministry has been in our hearts and on our lips in multiple settings for the past several weeks. Our staff writes the curriculum in simple language children can comprehend, including crafts, and various teaching aids. Mission teams coming to serve receive our material weeks in advance and do their own preparation ahead of their trip.  Staff and volunteers here gather materials and prepare crafts ahead of time based on the need, so that everything will be ready once groups arrive.

Ready to Roll

The heart and soul of Rainbow Express is to communicate God’s love to children & teens in heartfelt, relevant, and practical ways.  We’re ready, and kickoff happens beginning in March.  We will gather children in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings, starting next month, and it will continue week after week through the Summer.  The Rainbow Express® engine is building steam, and ready to roll out of the station. We can’t wait!

Last Year

17,846 children & youth attended Rainbow Express® in 2023, held in 292 locations across our community. 326 young people accepted Christ.

Your Support

Please pray for the children & teens who come to listen & learn. Pray too, please, for the student groups who will give of themselves and their time to serve the Lord and to make a difference in our community. We are grateful for the privilege we have of walking this journey alongside each of you.

Date Published: February 26, 2024

Number who Received Emergency Assistance in 2023

Mission Arlington’s “Front Room” is open from 8-5 Monday-Friday and 9-2 on Saturday. Appointments are not necessary, and there isn’t anything to fill out in advance. Come in when you can, and let’s see how we can help.

The need in our community has been increasing over the last year.

More and more, ordinary people are finding themselves needing a little help to get by.  We are so grateful for the privilege we have of serving in this place, alongside each of you, who give so much to help people in need.

Here are some statistics from our “Emergency Assistance” arena in 2023:

  1. 195,972 people received food, clothes, household items, and furniture in 2023.
  2. This represents 56,584 families
  3. 655 people a day came through our front doors for help.
  4. This number represents a 16 percent increase in the number of people needing help compared to 2022.

By God’s Grace & With Your Support

We are grateful to the Lord for His provision. We know that “every good gift comes from above” (James 1:17), and that he “gives us each day our daily bread.”

We also know that our community stands beautifully behind and with us, as we serve.  You drop by six days a week, from early to late, thinking about the people.  As people drive away, we often hear, “I hope someone can use what I brought.”  There is a tenderness in this community which is truly beautiful, and we get to see that heart every day – as you drop by with clothes, food, household items, and/or a check – all to help someone else.

We are truly honored by the opportunity we have been given to serve alongside you.

Date Published: January 22, 2024

Martin Luther King, Jr. “Day of Service.”

The Holiday

Taking place each year on the third Monday in January (this year, Monday, January 15th), the Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service (MLK Day), is the only federal holiday that is also designated by congress as a National Day of Service.

In 1994, Congress passed a bill to dedicate this national day set aside 1) to honor the life and legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and 2) in light of his legacy, to dedicate this special day as a “National Day of Service.”

Through the years, Mission Arlington® has been delighted to host volunteers of all ages, and volunteer teams of all sizes who give their time and energy on this day to “make a difference” in the lives of ordinary people in a moment of need. Individuals, families, churches, civic groups, corporate teams have so much fun here every year, as they serve in our community to effect change.  All of us, working together can truly lift the spirits, and support the lives of people going through a momentary speed bump in life.

You Can Help

We will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday, January 15th, for volunteers to serve.  You don’t need an appointment, and there isn’t anything for you to fill out in advance. Just show up, and we’ll get you to work.

We look forward to serving with you this coming Monday! It is so much fun to serve together, and to help others at the same time.  This has become one of our favorite days of the year.   Hope to see you then!

Date Published: January 8, 2024


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