Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Easter Results

Thousands of children attended our annual Easter egg hunt. Pictured here, one of our Bible studies and congregations from the East Side of our community waiting in line for the egg hunt. It took over 100,000 eggs to have enough for the day.

Easter was extraordinary at Mission Arlington® again this year. We are so grateful for the faithful and generous spirit of this community which made so much that happened here possible. We thought you might want to see a few pictures from our Easter events, and to see the number of people touched along the way. Thank you so much for your support.

Here are a few of the results:
Event Number of People
“Easter Store” 904
“Maundy Thursday 242
Easter Egg Hunt 5254
Easter Sunday 3204

Thank you so much for your constant support of our work. We are grateful for you.


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