
Working on homework and learning God’s word is an important part of Mission Arlington’s “after-school” programs.
Find our Published Curriculum
New and Current Curriculum / CHRISTMAS / Rainbow Express / Epistles / Life of Christ / Miscellaneous (other) / Old Testament / Rainbow Express / Sort by Scripture / Summer
We discovered early on that much of the curriculum written for the church was developed with the “already churched person” in mind. Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex curriculum is written specifically for the unchurched child, teenager, and adult. It is our privilege to make this curriculum, in its various forms, available to you. It is our hope and prayer that this will be helpful for you in your setting.
The curriculum produced here is copyrighted by Mission Arlington® | Mission Metroplex®. The material is published here for you to use, free of charge, in the service of our Lord’s Kingdom. Specifically prohibited is any distribution of this material for profit, or any editing or copying of this material into other publications without proper documentation or pre-approved permission provided by Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex.
Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex is looking for volunteer translators, in multiple languages, to facilitate the translation and distribution of this curriculum around the world
Curriculum files are in Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF). Adobe® Reader® is required to view all curriculum files.