Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex


Lucy & Family-web

For many years, Lucy sent her children to church. She went for Christmas plays and picnics, but did not see a reason to attend weekly herself. For many years, her children, Isdayana, Brandon, and Brayan, went to church and prayed for their mom. Other aunts and cousins also encouraged Lucy to attend.

Last summer, the church youth group went to see the movie War Room. The movie focuses on the power of prayer, and Lucy’s children could not stop thinking about it. Brayan said, “It encouraged me to pray more and pray for my family.”

After weeks of concentrated prayer, Brayan told his mom that he was praying for her, and she knew she had to come. After Lucy started, she didn’t stop. Her family and friends started to tell her they could tell she was different. Her attitude was kinder and her family was more united. Now she attends every week, sings in the praise team, and follows God in a real way.

Very recently, she realized that the work she was doing did not “fill her.” She wanted to do something day to day that would really help people and spread God’s word, so now she is at the Mission office everyday praying with people and helping meet their physical needs as well.

Also, their whole family, including the aunts and cousins, do a Wednesday night Bible Study at an eastside Arlington apartment complex. It’s only been going for two months, but they already have a crowd of adults and children, learning scripture, singing songs, and loving God.

Brandon sums it up, “God brought us together more.” We thank God for the great influence this family is having on their friends and neighbors. Watching them grow and add more people to God’s family is such a blessing.


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