“Like Pulling Teeth” – First Mondays
How it Began
The Allan Saxe Dental Clinic began with a question: “What are you doing to help people with their dental needs?” The question was asked over 22 years ago by a kindergarten teacher who moonlighted in dental offices at night. The question was asked by Jean Cagle. The person she asked was Tillie Burgin. Tillie’s response? “Whatever you want to do.”
That conversation led to the start of Mission Arlington’s dental clinic. Jean Saxe became the dental clinic’s first and only director. Dr. Allan Saxe learned of the need and contributed the seed money to facilitate the start, and the Dr. Alan Saxe Dental Clinic was born. The start was humble enough – with one room and one chair, and few volunteers.
More than two decades later the dental clinic has 50+ dentists who contribute, along with a host of other medical assistants and volunteers who routinely contribute their time, skills, and care. Through the first two months of this year, the clinic has already treated 1,382 patients, worth about $193 thousand dollars of free care. To repeat, patients are treated at the Saxe clinic free of charge.
How the process works
When the dental clinic opened, the Mission Arlington® team was able to treat people on a “first come/first serve” basis. As the number of people needing help grew, this process became untenable. People were waiting all day for help, but weren’t able to get into the clinic. Frustration and disappointment were the inevitable result.
In an attempt to improve the process, we decided to make appointments for anyone who needed to see a dentist. People would make an appointment with us on any day that we were open to help people – meaning every day except Sunday. Before long the waiting lists were 18 months to 2 years out, clearly an inadequate solution. For people in pain, even a week can be a long wait.
Once more we shifted our process. Now, on the first Monday of every month, we open a voicemail box here at the mission. People can access that voicemail beginning at 8:30 a.m. We make as many appointments as we possibly can based upon the number of dentists available to volunteer that month, but the volume of calls exceeds by ten times or more the number of spots available. We do not like this system, but we simply don’t know how else to do it.
A Two-Tiered Approach
Once people make it through the process described above, then they become members of the Saxe Dental Clinic. The second time they need to see a dentist, they make an appointment with our dental office like any of us would do with our own dentists. In other words, this difficult process – often compared to “pulling teeth,” only happens once. After that, people can make appointments with a simple phone call.
The Need is Great
The mornings of our “First Mondays” are often difficult mornings at the mission. Because of the heavy volume, people get frustrated. When people get frustrated, and understandably so, they contact us to express that frustration. They, or someone they care about, such as a spouse or a child are often in physical pain, and our greatest desire is for each one to get the help that they need.
As you pray with us on the first Monday of every month, please pray for the people, and ask the Lord, if you would, to keep adding medical professionals to our mix. If one dentist gives a week’s worth of time, we can knock the equivalent of 3 months off people’s wait time.
We are Thankful for you!
We can be in this community day after day, because of our heavenly Father’s great love. We can also be here to care for the people because of the way this community continues to contribute financially, with their time, and with their prayers. We are so grateful for the privilege we have of walking together with you day after day. Please come see us when you can, and to God be the glory!