Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Thursday, November 17th, 2016

Here is today’s report!

Saturday, 9-12-16

Many turkeys are needed for the 5,000+ families receiving Thanksgiving meals this year! Above features Arlington JROTC students preparing and moving some of the turkeys.

  1. Thanksgiving Day – November 24th. We take turkey baskets and hot meals to the people;
  2. Volunteers – Begin at 8:00 am;
  3. Mission Arlington Workers – Be here at 7:30 am on Thanksgiving Day;
  4. Special Training – On Sunday at 4:00 pm in preparation for taking the food to the people;
  5. Pray – Without ceasing;
  6. Prayer Circle – Pray as we are planning and praying for the logistics of the turkeys;
  7. Scripture“Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” Matthew 6:8


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