
Thirteen-year-old Jaborian has been going to church at a Mission Arlington® apartment community since he was about 2 years old. His face lights up when asked about the day he accepted Jesus as his savior.
When was it? Without hesitation, he answers, “It was May 14, 2011 – It was really good, because I just felt like I was clean.” Now, he wants everyone else to know what it feels like to be forgiven. He volunteers often at the Mission Arlington® office and teaches Pre-K at his home Bible Study plus 1st-3rd grade at another location. He doesn’t have a favorite kid – he says he loves them all.
Jaborian likes it when the children get excited about the Bible. “This one kid, Anthony, he hooks on so fast. One time I was teaching him about when God split the water so everyone could walk through. He was asking lots of questions and really engaged in it.” Anthony is a preschooler and blessed to have Jaborian as a teacher.
He runs track, so one of his favorite responsibilities is to knock on doors inviting people to church, because it’s active and a bit of a challenge. He says, “Sometimes they say they don’t want to come, but I continue to knock, continue to knock. And sometimes even if you think they won’t come, they come.” He remembers one man in particular who, after many weeks of invitations, finally did come to church. Jaborian was so pleased to see him there.
His love for Jesus doesn’t stop when he leaves the church walls. Last year, someone at school teased him a little saying, “You just love going to church,” and he answered, “‘I do love going to church.’ They know I follow Jesus Christ for sure.”
Mission Arlington® is better because Jaborian volunteers and shares the gospel wherever he goes. What a blessing he is!
[Originally published in February 2018]