Revival season for Mission Arlington® historically has been in June, and it used to mean outdoor tents with the gathering of large crowds outdoors, a preacher, food, events for children, and more. One of the favorite songs of these days was “A Tent in the Center of Town.” Early on, our tent revivals were located geographically in four or five places around town, and each of the apartment congregations would attend one of these three-day events. The worship outdoors was refreshing, and the response to biblical messages was encouraging. Many people accepted the Lord, and/or rededicated their lives to Him.
Over time, especially as the believers in these congregations began to thrive spiritually, more and more of these teams wanted to host revival services in their own place, instead of joining in one central location. Last year, for example, instead of 4 major revivals, there were 15 events hosted all across our community. Early this year, several here at Mission Arlington®, along with Tillie Burgin, our director, began to sense that the Lord was leading us in a different direction. Instead of having speakers share the gospel message in centralized locations, each team would train their own people to reach out to people in their own neighborhoods. Starting late May, we’ve done just that.
Bible study leaders and congregants have been learning to share their faith with others. Instead of leaning on the strength of others to share the good news, people have been learning how to tell their own story of what Christ has done for them. The results, so far, have been phenomenal. Many people in our congregations were nervous about sharing their faith. Yet, as they overcame their own fears about “knocking on doors,” a holy confidence began to develop. This confidence turned to joy. Through this outpouring of witness, many people so far have accepted Christ as their Savior. The people sharing their faith have been blessed beyond what they believed possible.
We know that Revival is a movement of God, and we know that believers play their part. Our prayer is that, for us, revival won’t be an event – lasting for a month, or even for a season, but that our efforts to share our faith will flow naturally from transformed hearts to a city, a nation, and a world.
We would be honored if you would pray with us in these days. To God be the glory.
[Originally published June 2019]