Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Lifting the Load


Thanksgiving preparation is well underway at Mission Arlington®.

A faithful and supportive community surrounds Mission Arlington® in these busy days before Thanksgiving. Student groups, civic clubs, schools, churches, and hosts of individuals/families are sending turkeys and Thanksgiving food our way, so that people will have something on their table for Thanksgiving morning. We are humbled and amazed, but not surprised by this surge of generosity.

This community has always taken care of people who are less fortunate.

Groups of people are also coming our way to lend a hand with food preparation in advance of Thanksgiving morning. This past Saturday, YmcaFather-Child2014-3several hundred volunteers came to sort donated food, and to build Thanksgiving boxes.

For the past decade, The YMCA Father-Child Program has been coming to help us get ready for Thanksgiving. The “Y” parents with their children come to sort food in preparation for Thanksgiving day.  Is their any better illustration of how this community works together?  It was beautiful to see the children working so hard to help other children. The pictures here illustrate the joy from that day.

As Mission Arlington® gets ready for Thanksgiving morning, we are still in need of a bunch of turkeys.  Click this link to discover ways that you can help.

Thank you so much for all you do to make Thanksgiving a great day for people in need.


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