A Day of Thanksgiving
Today, people will gather from across our community in their own homes, with their own family, to share a Thanksgiving meal, and to express thanks to God for HIs provision. This will be a meal provided by the Lord through the generosity and faithfulness of the community which surrounds and supports Mission Arlington®.
It is no exaggeration to say that thousands of people all across our community joined in this effort to make it possible for this day to be a blessing for so many families. Because everyone did their part, about 6,000 families (26,000 people) will have what they need for their families on this important day.
Many of you “shouldered the load.” You publicized the need, knocked on doors, sent out e-mails and communicated through social media, so that you could gather the food, load it into trucks, and bring it down to Mission Arlington®. Others just went out and bought turkeys and Thanksgiving food, driving it down here. We were humbled and honored to the point of tears watching you drive through with such tangible blessings for other people.
Still, others of you gave of your time. You took days off from work, or when you were out of school, and could have been doing so many other things, you still chose to come here for a few hours, or for a day. Your sacrifice has not gone unnoticed. Your hands carried 5,000+ boxes of Thanksgiving food, passing it along assembly lines of people, from one place to another. You went home tired at the end of the day, but hopefully fulfilled, and blessed.
Others have you couldn’t come, but you have prayed, and sent checks of love, so that turkeys would be available, and that we could be here to assist in the activities on this beautiful day.
Today is truly a day of Thanksgiving. All praise to our heavenly father who keeps his promises, and gives good gifts to his children. Praise His name for His provisions.