Holy Week at Mission Arlington®

Children enjoy the row of bouncy houses which are part of our “World’s Largest” Easter Egg Hunt.
Holy Week is special for Christians across the globe, and it is an especially meaningful time at Mission Arlington®.
Rainbow Express – Several thousand children have attended Rainbow Express® through the month of March. Student groups from across the country and around the state have come here to share God’s love with the young people of our community. We still have one team here doing Rainbow Express® this week. Please keep these important events in your prayers.
Easter Store – Like its Christmas counterpart, our Easter Store is free of charge. Instead of Christmas toys, families will receive new Spring clothes, and Easter baskets. Through the years, the Easter Store has operated from a central location in our downtown offices. Taking a more decentralized approach, this year, however, the Store will happen in multiple locations across our community. Already, hundreds of families have received the new clothes and baskets.
Maundy Thursday Youth Service – On Thursday of Holy Week, at 7:00 p.m. youth who attend Mission Arlington® Bible studies will gather in a service designed just for them. Hundreds of youth from across the community will worship, observe the Lord’s Supper, then hear a biblical message designed to encourage and challenge them as they live for Christ at their schools and in their communities.
Good Friday Services – Several of Mission Arlington’s Bible studies will observe Good Friday services, special remembrances of the day that Jesus was crucified.
Easter Egg Hunt – Affectionately called the “World’s Largest,” our giant Easter Egg Hunt happens Saturday, April 8th, from 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 120,000 eggs, filled with candy, are being prepared for this big day. Bouncy houses and free food, plus the telling of the Easter Story to all who attend, are big parts of this beautiful day too. Thousands of children will attend the egg hunt for a great day of family fun. We are excited.
Easter Sunday Morning – Thousands will gather across our community into one of more than 360 Bible studies and congregations sponsored & hosted by Mission Arlington.® Special music will be par for the course, smaller Easter egg hunts, and one or two Easter Sunrise services.
Holy Week is such a special time in the life of Christ followers around the world. It is an especially meaningful time for the Mission Arlington family.®
Join us, won’t you?