Supporting Students After School

An Afterschool Program in central Arlington in January of this year.
Afterschool programming across our nation has been lauded for providing safe spaces for children to develop “socially, emotionally, and academically.” It has been noted that students who participate in these programs regularly attend school more faithfully and improve academically.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, students who attend afterschool programs routinely are linked to “lower dropout rates and a narrowing of achievement gaps.” For older students, participation in afterschool opportunities also “contributes to a reduction in risky behaviors and the development of college and career readiness skills.”
In 2024, Mission Arlington hosted afterschool programs in 25 locations across our community. An average of 912 students each week participated in these weekly educational opportunities. A total of 1,824 students attended the program through the year.
Our afterschool programs are scattered throughout our community, and they are free of charge, as are all of our ministries at Mission Arlington. ®
Students receive snacks, work on their homework, and then listen to a story found in God’s Word. This program helps provide childcare for families where both adults in the house work and can’t get home until the child is OK.
We love serving with students and their families, and we are looking forward to what the Lord has for each of the in the future.
Do you want to help in our ministries after school? Give us a call (817-277-6620), or drop us a note, and we’ll get you connected.
We are so grateful to walk this journey with you.