Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

At the end of the rainbow

gracesbrbx2015-1Mission Arlington® hosts backyard Bible clubs through out the community, primarily during the spring and summer. These gatherings of children and youth involve age-appropriate Bible studies, crafts, singing, fun and games.  These 4-day (2 1/2 hour long) events are called Rainbow Express®, and they are a big part of what we do as we “take church to the people.”

From Spring Break through this week, we have held Rainbow Express in 163 locations. More than thirteen thousand (13,212) children and youth have attended these events so far, and it has been a beautiful experience.  This week, we started Rainbow Express again.  On average this week, 466 young people have come each day.

We received a note from the mother of a child who was attending Rainbow Express last week:

“I wanted to thank Mission Arlington/ Mission Metroplex “rainbow express” that came this week for sharing with my son and kids here at our apartment community. He had a great time and was sad today was the last day. I appreciate your effort and time. You can never under-estimate the impact you can make on a child and the seed you plant. Thank you for all you do! Just wanted to share that and let you know to keep up the great work thank you!”

For us, the “end of the Rainbow” isn’t a pot of gold, but the ability to share Christ, to teach God’s word, and to love without hesitation the children and youth in our community.  Rainbow Express® allows us the perfect opportunity to go where the people are, so that they can know God’s love.

We are grateful for the privilege we have of doing what we do, alongside of you.  Your generous giving, and your faithful praying make the difference here.  Thank you so much!


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