“At the End of the Rainbow”
Generally speaking, the “end of the Rainbow” refers to something hoped for, but unattainable, such as the proverbial “pot of gold.” At Mission Arlington®, however, we say that we’ve reached the “end of Rainbow,” referring to the end of our Rainbow Express® season. The pot of gold for us is the impact in and for the community.
What happened in 2024?
21,508 students (children & youth) attended at least one Rainbow Express® event in 2024.
Rainbow Express® is our version of a four-day backyard Bible club, with crafts, snacks, music, games, and Bible stories.
125 different student groups (3,799 people) led these events in 326 locations. These groups came from 40 Texas cities and 12 different states from around the country. We were so impressed with the young people who gave their time & talents to make a difference here.
The young people attending Rainbow Express® have so much fun, while they are learning about the Bible. It is not that unusual for someone to come back to the Mission as an adult to share with us how Rainbow Express blessed them.
We are grateful for the privilege of our partnership with this amazing & generous community. You make We are grateful for the privilege of loving the children & youth throughout our community. You make Rainbow Express® possible.
Thank you!