“Baby, it’s cold outside!”

Volunteers dressed warmly on a cold, winter’s day at Mission Arlington, unloading warm clothes and blankets for people in need. We are grateful for your thoughtful, generous support.
As the winter weather touches the North Texas area, or whenever temperatures drop, or the wet, cold weather is headed our way, people need warm things to wear. Warm clothing is sometimes something that people take for granted, but not in this generous community. You give generously every day here, so that others less fortunate can have what they need to stay warm.
Many of you have had old, warm coats in your closet which you have personally dropped by Mission Arlington®. Families and neighborhoods have collected coats for us, or purchased new coats and sweaters for us to give away. Several companies have gone to the effort of purchasing pallet loads of blankets, sending them here in large trucks.
One company dropped off 1,850 blankets this week, and we’ve been busy ever since handing them out. Volunteers are here from all across North Texas today (see the picture above), braving the cold, giving of themselves and of their time to make a difference for someone else. It is a beautiful sight.
So, if someone tries to get you to stay inside or out of the cold, let them know that you “really can’t stay,” despite their protests, because you need to get to Mission Arlington®. 🙂
You’ll be glad you did, and we’ll be here waiting for you. Thank you!