Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Building a “Better Working World:” Companies that Serve!

Ernst and Young family serving in the food pantry at Mission Arlington

Ernst and Young family serving in the food pantry at Mission Arlington

It is a constant at Mission Arlington®. Companies across the spectrum incorporate service into their core values, then put it into practice. The tag Line of Ernst and Young, for example, is “A Better Working World.” Today, they put these values into practice here at Mission Arlington®, working all day to help us serve people in need. It’s hard work, and it is a full day, but dozens from the Ernst & Young team came anyway – just to make a difference.

Unloading food from a community pickup.

Unloading food from a community pickup.

We also had another team here from the Securadyne Systems. In their every day life, this team of people provide specialized security services which protect “secure, prized assets.”  One of the companies core values includes “giving back” to their community. Around sixty (60) of them served here today, providing security and access for people in a moment of need. They stayed all day, sorting food, moving supplies, picking up furniture, and giving themselves in multiple ways to make a difference.

We are grateful for the corporate cultures which encourage support and personal investment in the community. We are especially thankful for the positive energy, hard working teams of the individuals in these companies who lend their energy to help others.  These are great days to serve here! #BetterWorkingWorld”


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