Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Daily Mission Updates

Daily Mission Update- Thursday, July 26th, 2018

Here is today’s news!
  1. Staff meeting tonight at 6:30- Bring your Bibles
  2. Pray for Rainbow Express®– Attendance: 1,900; Salvations: 16
  3. Youth Camp– Saturday, July 28th- Leave Mission at 9:30 A.M.
  4. Scripture– “Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord will be saved.” Acts 2:21
  5. Prayer Circle– “Pray as this is the day that the plan of Salvation is presented to the Rainbow Express® children.”
Date Published: July 26, 2018

Daily Mission Update – Tuesday, July 24th, 2018

The zip line at youth camp this past week. Campers enjoy the fun, and also learn about the Lord. 164 campers attended our first youth camp. Thank you for your support.

Here is today’s report!
  1. Kiddie Camp tonight 6:30 -8:45. Pray;
  2. Fuller Revival – Pray. 6:30, food and 7:00 worship;
  3. Rainbow Express® Report – Attendance 491; Salvations: 0;
  4. Youth Camp Saturday. Leave Mission at 9:30 a.m. Pray;
  5. Scripture – “Call to me, and I will answer.”  Jeremiah 33:3;
  6. Prayer Circle – Pray a prayer of Thanksgiving for all those who come to the Mission to volunteer. They have been faithful, and there is always a need for more help.
Date Published: July 24, 2018

Daily Mission Update- Friday, July 20th, 2018

Here is today’s report!
  1. Pray for safety and protection for the Mission.
  2. Rainbow Express® Praise– Attendance: 1,071; Salvations: 21
  3. Youth Camp– Saturday- Leave Mission at 9:30- 2 forms
  4. Fuller Revival– Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday- Pray
  5. ScriptureBlessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” Matthew 5:7
  6. Prayer Circle– “Pray for the Apartment Churches as they are getting their youth to sign up for Youth Camp on Saturday.”
Date Published: July 20, 2018

Daily Mission Update- Thursday, July 19th, 2018

Here is today’s report!
  1. Make sure you have your Rainbow Express® list. See TB.
  2. Rainbow Express® Praise– Attendance: 789; Salvations: 9
  3. Youth Camp– Saturday- Leave Mission at 9:30- 2 forms
  4. Scripture– “Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.“Mark 8:35
  5. Prayer Circle– “Pray a prayer of Thanksgiving for all those who come to volunteer at the Mission. These are very special people and we do thank God for them.”
Date Published: July 19, 2018

Daily Mission Update- Wednesday, July 18th, 2018

Here is today’s report!
  1. Wednesday Night Bible Study– 7:00 p.m. Meet in the front room.
  2. Rainbow Express® Praise– Attendance: 479; Salvations: 4
  3. Youth Camp Saturday– Leave Mission at 9:30 a.m.- 2 forms
  4. Happy Birthday Cassie– We all love you!
  5. Scripture– “Your Word have I hidden in my Heart, that I might not sin against You.” Psalm 119:11
  6. Prayer circle– “Pray for those who are hearing the Message of Salvation today.”
Date Published: July 18, 2018

Daily Mission Update – Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

A child enjoys crafts at last week’s “Kiddie” camp.

Here is today’s Report!
  1. Kiddie Camp – tonight, 6:30 – 8:45;
  2. Rainbow Express® – Praise – Attendance: 249. Salvations: 0;
  3. Youth Camp – Leave Mission Saturday at 9:30 a.m.  2 Forms Required;
  4. Diane Keith – Celebration service at 11:30 today;
  5. Scripture – “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am in the midst of them;”
  6. Tuesday’s Prayer Circle – “Pray for kiddie Camp. This is a camp for our little ones where they have a great time with lots of activities and a presentation of the Gospel.”
Date Published: July 17, 2018

Daily Mission Update – Monday, July 16th, 2018

Rainbow Express®

Here is today’s report!
  1. Ladies Bible Study: 7:30 p.m. Front Room;
  2. Rainbow Express®: praise report – 20 locations;
  3. Youth Camp: leaves mission at 9:30 am Saturday;
  4. Kiddie Camp: Tuesday 6:30 – 8:45 p.m.;
  5. Scripture: “Your father knows what we need before we ask Him.” – Mathew 6:8;
  6. Prayer Circle: Begin praying today for the children as they go to Rainbow Express® this morning. Pray they will hear the Gospel and have a great time. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to penetrate hearts.
Date Published: July 16, 2018

Daily Mission Update- Friday, July 13th, 2018

Here is today’s report!
  1. Children’s Camp Saturday. Leave Mission at 9:30 a.m. – Pray!
  2. Rainbow Express® Praise Report – Attendance: 2,389; Salvations: 63;
  3. Diane Keith’s Celebration Service – Tuesday, 10:30 a.m.- Visitation; 11:30 a.m.- Service; Greenwood White Settlement in Fort Worth. Pray for Allen, her son;
  4. Scripture– “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8;
  5. Prayer Circle – “Pray for Rainbow Express® groups as they return to their homes. Pray that they take the Message of Salvation to the ends of the earth.”
Date Published: July 13, 2018

Daily Mission Update- Thursday, July 12th, 2018

Here is today’s report!
  1. Children’s Camp– Saturday July 14- Leave Mission at 9:30 A.M.
  2. Happy Birthday Maddie Burgin! We pray for you! (9:30)
  3. Rainbow Express Report: Attendance:1665; Salvations: 43. Praise and Prayer.
  4. Diane Keith went home to be with Jesus- Service Pending!
  5. Scripture– “Forgive and you will be forgiven.” Luke 6:37
  6. Prayer circle– “Pray for the ones who are trusting in Jesus and need discipling and mentoring.”
Date Published: July 12, 2018

Daily Mission Update- Wednesday, July 11th, 2018

Here is today’s report!
  1. Happy Birthday Deb! We all love you and pray for you!
  2. Happy Birthday Marvin! We thank God for you!
  3. Rainbow Express® Report- Attendance: 1037; Salvations: 8
  4. Children’s Camp– Leaves the Mission at 9:30 A.M. Two permission slips
  5. Scripture– “Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17
  6. Prayer Circle– “Today is the day the Plan of Salvation is presented clearly to all in the 48 locations.”
Date Published: July 11, 2018


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