Easter at Mission Arlington®
The Easter Season is a significant time for Christians around the globe, and it has always been a special week for the Mission Arlington® family. Here are the results of a few of our ministries from this past week.
Easter Store
Historically, our Easter Store has been a place where families from the community come to receive free Easter supplies – baskets, and all kinds of fun items for Spring and the Easter Season. This year, because of the continued influence of COVID-19 on volunteers, and the concerns about gathering, we held an reverse Easter store. Instead of people coming to a central location to receive items, our Bible study leaders took the Easter supplies, baskets, and more out to 528 different homes across our community. 1,850 people received these precious supplies. What a blessing.
Maundy Thursday Service
This past Thursday evening, on Maundy Thursday, 234 junior high & high school students came together to worship at a service designed just for them. These young people attend Mission Arlington’s weekly Bible studies, which are spread out all across our community, but last Thursday they joined together as one strong family of believers. They sang together, and they listened to a challenging message calling them to live faithfully for Christ. They took the Lord’s Supper, served by other youth, and then they slipped into small-group discussions around a meal provided by the Mission Arlington® family. Seeing that many young people together at one time blessed so many. We continue to walk with them, and to pray for them as they make their way.
Good Friday Services
Many from the Mission family gathered for worship on the evening of “Good” Friday in a couple of locations. “Good” Friday is designated that way, because we know how the story turned out – with the Resurrection of Christ, but some still refer to this day as the real “Black Friday,” because of what was done to Christ on the cross. People attending these services honored the Lord for his gift of Salvation.
Easter Egg Hunt
On April 3rd, the Saturday before Easter, we hosted our annual Easter egg hunt, and it was so much fun! Multiple “bouncy houses” were filled with children flying high. Families sat around picnic tables enjoying a great meal, free of charge, and outside in the atmosphere of a beautiful pre-Spring day. Colorful Easter eggs lined six lanes on a large field in central Arlington, where children gathered so many eggs (filled with candy) to take home. It was so much fun to see all of the smiling faces, and not just on the children who enjoyed the event, but on the faces of their parents, grand parents, aunts & uncles who joined them for this family-friendly, outdoor event. A total of 3,196 children (with their parents) joined the fun.
Easter Sunday Morning
On a quiet Easter Sunday morning, people gathered in one of Mission Arlington’s 364 Bible studies and congregations to worship a risen Lord. Thousands of people attended these places of worship on Easter Sunday.
We want you to know how grateful we are for each of you, as we serve in this community together. Thank you so much!