Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Easter Draws Near

Easter Sunday

Christians world-wide remember and celebrate the resurrection of Christ from the dead every Easter, which happens this year on Sunday, March 31st.  Mission Arlington® sponsors & supports Bible studies & congregations in more than 350 locations across our community.  On Easter Sunday, these congregations will gather in apartment community club houses, neighborhood homes, and a few church facilities to worship a risen Lord.  This is a sweet and special time for all Christians, but especially for us here at the Mission.  If you want to know more about attending one of our Bible studies, contact us here.

There are a couple of ministries which we sponsor during the Easter season that are both engaging and fun.

Maundy Thursday Youth Service

On Thursday evening, March 28th, at 7:00 p.m. youth from Mission Arlington’s Bible studies and congregations will gather in central Arlington to worship the Lord and to study His word.  Mission Arlington’s Bible study leaders & teachers will join with these students as they worship.  Mission Arlington® provides a large quantity of pizza, and the students join with their Bible study leaders after the service for conversation about what they heard and learned.

“World’s Largest” Easter Egg Hunt

With over 100,000 plastic eggs, filled with candy, this event is affectionately called the “World’s Largest” Easter Egg Hunt.  The event is from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and it is both free and open to the public.  Mission Arlington® provides free food, a huge area for carnival games, bouncy houses, and of course, a giant Easter egg hunt.  This is truly a fun event for the whole family.

For More Information

If you would like more information about worshipping with a Mission Arlington® congregation on Easter, or any other Sunday, please contact us by calling our main number:  817-277-6620, or by emailing us through our contact form, linked here.  If you would like to know more information about these events, or if you would like to volunteer at the Easter egg hunt, please make contact through the same number and enclosed link.

Your Prayers

Please keep us, and these ministry events in your prayers as we draw near to Easter. Thank you so much.


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