Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Fun and Faith

ccamp2015-1Right around 200 people left Mission Arlington® Saturday morning for a free Summer Camp. An all-day experience, 60 (or so) Bible study leaders brought 140 fourth, fifth, and sixth graders to Camp Thurman for a day of fun, exercise, team building, and spiritual development. These students played slap-dodge ball, soccer, and basketball. They developed cheers for competition after an opening moment of music and prayer. They crossed creeks and zipped down lines suspended to a tall tower in a tight forming harness to keep them safe, and they memorized Scripture verses, and learned about Jesus and his love for them.  Bible study leaders enjoyed the time that they got to spend with each student.

These elementary-aged children learned a little bit about sheep, and shepherds. They discovered that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who stands by the door to protect the sheep, (John 10) and that if just one of the animals were hurt or lost, the shepherd would search all night until that one was found.  They heard that the Good Shepherd lays his life down for the sheep, and that Jesus died for them.  The lesson was delivered creatively, using props, interaction with the students, and music – led by Mission Arlington’s summer missionaries.  The camp ended at 3:30, and students made it back to the Mission by about 4:00.

We want to express our thanks to each of you who contributed to make these camps possible. We are especially appreciative of our partnership with the good folks at Camp Thurman who lightened the load, used their own volunteers to run the camp, and generally made it much easier for Mission Arlington® to participate.  In line with the philosophy of Mission Arlington®, this camp, and the six other camps just like it, are provided “free of charge” to each student attending.

We would also like to think every volunteer who helped yesterday, from driving our buses, and serving at the camp – to those who stayed back at the main campus to keep everything running while we are away.

For many of us, through the years, camp was a life-changing experience.  Our prayer is that these 7 camps led by Mission Arlington® this summer will be just that for these young people.  Our heart was to help these children have a great day of fun, but also for it to be a place where their faith deepened. Our prayer is that years from now they will still be talking about how their life was touched by a Mission Arlington® summer camp.

To God be the glory!


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