Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

In like a Lion: Rainbow Express begins

Rainbow Express in Action at a central Arlington location - using puppets to teach God's Word.

Rainbow Express in Action at a central Arlington location – using puppets to teach God’s Word.

Rainbow Express® begins again on Monday. Spring Break has finally arrived, and student groups from around the country, like a mighty wind,  are making their way to Arlington to lead these creative and fun events for children and youth.

Rainbow Express® happens in 90 locations throughout our community next week alone.

Rainbow Express® is Mission Arlington®’s version of a backyard Bible club.  Crafts, snacks, games, music, and Bible stories form the foundation of this work with students.

Through the month of March, 3,339 people from 149 different groups are scheduled to arrive at Mission Arlington® to help. These groups are coming from multiple Texas cities, and many states across North America.  They will be leading Rainbow Express and work projects. They will serve in our health clinics, and help us get ready for Easter.  Most importantly, they will help us spread the love of God throughout our community.

Would you please pray with us through these next three weeks?  We are praying that we can share God’s love with our community with as many people as possible, and that many people will come to know the Lord personally.

Truly, at Mission Arlington®, March has come “in like a lion.”  It all starts Monday morning. Aren’t we grateful?


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