Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex


With the assistance and kind hearts of children, Mission Arlington gets to respond to the physical and spiritual needs in our community.

With the assistance of the kind and giving hearts of children, Mission Arlington responds to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in our community. We are so grateful that children serve here every week.

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).

We hope most everyone knows of Mission Arlington®‘s investment in the children of our community. Whether it is “bouncy houses” for the children to enjoy on “National Night Out,” or baseball camps, teaching children the fundamentals of the game, or the transportation of students to and from school, or helping children to discover healthy eating habits,  or reading programs,  or school supplies, the Mission Arlington® family “loves to love” children.

It truly is more "blessed to give than it is to receive." Pictured here, children having fun helping at Mission Arlington.

It truly is more “blessed to give than it is to receive.” Pictured here, children having fun helping at Mission Arlington.

Add to that, the holiday season coming up – with our Fall Festival, food for Thanksgiving, and Christmas gifts for more than 32,000 children year after year, or the huge Easter experience provided for children, it isn’t hard to see how much love and practical help comes from you, through us, and straight to children in need.

Watching children “light up” when they don’t have to sleep on the floor anymore, or when they have the food they need to eat a meal at home, or when they have the same school supplies to start the school year just like everyone else – is worth so very much to us, and we know it is important to you as well.   We also know that this pleases our Lord who encouraged his followers routinely to care for children (Matthew 19:14).

On the other hand, it isn’t just that the children are recipients of your gifts through Mission Arlington®, but they are also the givers.   All year long, we are the recipients of the kind-hearted, sincere gifts of children. They collect food from their neighborhoods and families; they ask their friends to give birthday gifts to other children through the mission instead of having a birthday party, and they volunteer in huge numbers, giving of their time and energy to make a difference here. Every week, without exception, children are here lending a hand.

Sometimes they come with their parents; other times they come with a group of some kind, such as their church, scouting organization, or with their school.  When they come to serve, we are able to provide activities and tasks which fit their giftedness, age, and ability.  We value watching families and various organizations who develop character in their kids, letting them invest in their world, and giving them the opportunity to make a difference too.

On Thanksgiving day every year, for example, several hundred children volunteer with their families.  The parents tell us that they want their children 1) to know how to work, and 2) to see that they can make a difference, no matter their age, and finally (3) to see that other children don’t have what they have. These parents tell us after a day of service on Thanksgiving morning, the children go home to have the best Thanksgiving meal of their young lives.

Mission Arlington® loves to work with children.  We thank God every day for the privilege we have of serving alongside each of you, perhaps the most generous community anywhere.  We appreciate the privilege of caring for and serving with the children here.

Glory be to God!


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