Mission Arlington Lessons written in Spanish.
Lesson 47: The Day Hezekiah Blew It
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to live up to their promises to God. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 38:15.
Material for New Believers (non-booklet form)
Classroom material in five lessons to teach new believers.
- Session 1: Born Again;
- Session 2: The Bible;
- Session 3: Prayer;
- Session 4: The Church;
- Session 5: Sharing Your Faith
Lesson 01: Comfort My People
Lesson Goal: To introduce the student to the second part of Isaiah…and God’s promise of being with His people. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 40:3
Lesson 02: Our Gentle God
Lesson Goal: To show the student God’s love and compassion. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 40:11.
Lesson 03: Our Incomparable God
Lesson Goal: To give the student some understanding of the greatness and power of God. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 40:12a.
Lesson 04: Do You Know?
Lesson Goal: To encourage the student to depend on God who is greater than anything or anyone. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 40:31.
Lesson 05: God is the Redeemer
Lesson Goal: To guide the student to see God as the great redeemer. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 41:10.
Lesson 06: The Gentle Servant
Lesson Goal: To encourage the student to be involved in bringing justice in their world. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 42:4.
Lesson 07: A New Song and A Warning
Lesson Goal: To help students see that God wants to bless us, and use us, but He cannot when we are disobedient. He has a plan for us, but we must see and hear His Words and see His work in the world. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 42:12.
Lesson 08: Israel’s God and His Assignment
Lesson Goal: To let students see the picture of who God really is, and understand His challenge to be His witnesses. Scripture Memory: Isaiah 43:10.