Mission Arlington Lessons written in Spanish.
Lesson 34: Evil and Suffering: Christian Response
This lesson aids us in knowing that humans should humbly deal with adversity and that we should be prepared to endure whatever God allows into our lives. Memory verse: Galatians 6:2.
Lesson 34: Saul Rejected
I Samuel 13-26. Memory verse: I John 5:3.
Lesson 34: The Rich Young Man
Mark 10:17-27. Memory verse: Matthew 6:33.
Lesson 35: Christian Behavior: Knowing God’s Will
This lesson seeks to assure the student that we can know God’s will and that it is best. God has a plan for each of us. Memory verse: Romans 12:2.
Lesson 35: David and Bathsheba
II Samuel 11-12. Memory verse: Matthew 1:6.
Lesson 35: James and John’s Request
Mark 10:32-45. Memory verse: Mark 10:44-45.
Rules for Life from The Message: Scripture Cards
Individual Scripture cards for each verse in the A-Z Scripture memorization plan.
Lesson 36: Christian Behavior: Doing Right, Being in God’s Will
We must do the right thing when we know what God requires. Faith has a part in that good behavior, but good behavior isnt the only thing it takes to be in Gods will. Memory verse: Psalm 40:8.
Lesson 36: Jesus Clears the Temple
Mark 11:15-19. Memory verse: Mark 11:17.
Lesson 36: Solomon
I Kings 3-11. Memory verse: James 3:13.