Mission Arlington Lessons written in Spanish.
Advent Schedule 2010
Advent Schedule for 2010 Christmas Curriculum.
Lesson 01: Is God Listening?
Zechariah, your prayer has been heard. Luke 1:4-25, 57-80. Memory verse: Mark 5:36.
Lesson 48: Grand Finale
Lesson Goal: To encourage students to remember all the good things said to the church at Philippi. Memory verse: Philippians 4:20.
Lesson 02: Why Me?
Mary, God is pleased with you. Luke 1:24-56. Memory verse: Genesis 26:24.
Lesson 03: What Do I Do Now?
Joseph, take Mary home as your wife. Matthew 1:18-25. Memory verse: 1 Peter 3:6.
Lesson 04: Am I Important?
I bring you Good News of great joy! Luke 2:1-20. Memory verse: Isaiah 41:10.
Lesson 05: What’s Going to Happen?
Flight to Egypt. Matthew 2:1-23. Memory verse: Hebrews 13:6.
Lesson 01: El sembrador Mateo 13:1-11, 18-23
El sembrador Mateo 13:1-11, 18-23
Lesson 01: God Created the World.
Genesis 1; John 1. Memory verse: Genesis 1:1.
Lesson 01: Introduction
Lesson Goal: To give the student a background for studying the letter to the church at Rome. Memory verse: Romans 1:17b.