Loving people through the storms
Ten years ago, Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast, changing the course of so many people’s lives. Mission Arlington® was honored and humbled to join other non-profit communities, churches, and city agencies, to provide assistance to those whose lives had been tragically propelled into our community.
In addition to playing our part in collecting and distributing the items which people would need, and joining the medical community to provide medical and dental care for those who had been displaced and bused into Arlington, we were also able to open and maintain two shelters to house, sleep, feed, and transport the Louisiana families who so desperately needed support.
Those of us who were here at the time will never forget the outpouring of love, generosity, and sacrifice which came day after day from this community. You gave of what you had, out of your abundance, and you gave out of what you didn’t have, your own basic necessities. Our community came together as never before, and treated our neighbors as if they were family. It was a time which we will never forget.
This week, a student from UTA who was displaced and affected by this storm personally, wrote of her experiences now a decade later. Her name is Keri DeCay, and she was 10 years old when Katrina hit her hometown. Today, she is an international business French junior, and a UTA ambassador. In a article published by the Shorthorn, Ms. DeCay says that she is grateful for the support she received from Mission Arlington®, and that she loves to volunteer here when she can. It shows each of us once again how people who receive help are often the very ones who give so much more to help others. We see that beautiful circle over and over again here.
We are grateful for the kind words published by Ms. DeCay about our work, and we wanted you to hear how much your generosity and sacrifice helps real people in need. Thanks to each of you who keep on giving, so that someone else can have what they need to survive and thrive. The same community who gave so much ten years ago, still provides support here, day in and day out.
We are humbled, amazed, and inspired by your generosity. Thank you.