Medical Clinic Expansion Continues

Andrea Wilson, Nurse Practitioner at Mission Arlington, opens a cabinet full of donated BD insulin syringes from Americares at the Clinic last year. Andrea has served as Director of the Clinic for the past 25 years.
Though we don’t have a date yet, the Medical Clinic Expansion continues to move towards completion. We will post an update with new pictures when the facility opens. Thank you so much for your support.
Our Medical Clinic started in 1990. For more than thirty (34) years, volunteer doctors, nurses, and other health professionals have given their time & talent to treat the health care needs of our community.
Ministry Growth
The number of people receiving care from the Clinic has grown through the years. From 2021 to 2022, for example, the number of patients receiving free health care grew by 14%. From 2022 to 2023, the number of patients being treated grew by another 13%. In 2023, total patient visits to the clinic reached 12,601 people.
In 2023, patients received health care from thirty (30) volunteer medical professionals serving in 12 different disciplines, including, but not limited to, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery, Physical Therapy, Gynecology, Audiology, and more.
Expanding Facilities
The need for more space to care for people was evident, and last year, the Lord brought together medical doctors, the Texas Rangers & Major League Baseball, plus other loving people whose support made the expansion of the clinic space possible. Construction is currently underway.
When finished, the facility which houses our Clinic will have seven more patient rooms, more triage space, and much more capacity to treat people in need.
We don’t know yet the exact timeline for when it will be finished. When it is, we know that we will be able to host more medical professionals, and to treat more people at the point of their medical needs.
Filled with Gratitude
We are truly grateful for the support of this wonderful community as we serve the Lord here. Thank you so much.