180,000 Receive Food in 2022

The Burgin Elementary School family, in Arlington, delivers food to Mission Arlington. We love serving the Lord in this wonderful community.
More than 180,000 People Received Food Last Year
It is hard to believe, but it is true. Many people in our own community don’t have enough food to feed their families. “Food insecurity across the country is something that professionals track, and which we see in real time six days each week. In 2022, Mission Arlington® provided food to 48,385 families, representing 180,696 people. Each family was provided a supply of food designed to last them from 3-5 days. That’s a lot of food. So, where does the food come from?
You Provide the Food. 
Mission Arlington® does not purchase food. In 36-years of ministry, the Lord has always supplied the food through you. Individuals, families, and teams of all kinds – from civic groups, churches, schools, and businesses – bring the food to us, and we give it away to families who need it. We are constantly amazed by your generosity, and the way you faithfully care for people in our community who are experiencing a moment of need. We are truly grateful, and your gifts do make a difference.
When People Need it
Mission Arlington’s food pantry is open six days a week (Monday-Saturday), from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the week, and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. We work hard to be accessible, so that people can receive what they need for their families.
With a Heart to Help
We wish you could see the results of the beautiful care you provide for people through the provision of food. Sometimes we see tears of gratitude, and at others, we experience smiles of relief. The hugs of appreciation we receive daily are truly meant for you. Our hope is that the food truly lifts a burden from families working so hard to get by. Beyond the food, however, our heart is to treat every family, every person, with dignity and respect. We want people who are walking through difficult moments to know that someone cares for them. Listen to one testimony recently published online:
A Personal Testimony
At the end of 2022, a lady named Kelley posted this review: “Thankful for these wonderful people, and this wonderful place. Food, prayer, furniture, home goods, toys for the kids, clothes, got a pair of crocks, paintings… they even helped with my utilities! I’m so thankful they’re here! They really “pay it forward.” We are truly grateful.
For more information about other ministry results in 2022, click here!