Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

New Website Comes Online

Mission Arlington's front door.

Mission Arlington’s front door.

Mission Arlington® last updated its website in 2008, six years ago.  The website was a gift to us by developers, and it worked beautifully as a vehicle to communicate the work here at our place.  After six years, however, the “behind the scenes” technology made publishing ever more difficult.  This past Summer, we knew that the time for a new website had come.  Through a special donation, once again, we were able to find a new way to communicate with you.  The end result is what you see here.

There are a few new features of this site which we are proud of:

  1. The updated design is fresh and “easy on the eyes.”  We’re pleased with our new look, and the comments we have received so far indicate that you like it too.
  2. This website can now be translated “at the touch of a button” into multiple languages. We routinely operate in at least two languages here, and at times throughout the year, we do our work in six or seven languages with the help of translators. We truly serve an international community, and the ability of the website to be read in several languages is a plus for our extended family.
  3. Our website has always been fairly representative of our work, which meant it operated in multiple layers, and that it was fairly complex. The new website contains the same content as the old one, so the same problem exists when attempting to find relevant material.  To address this concern, we’ve added a search box.  Now, users of the site will be able to search for the material they need without clicking through all of the layers.
  4. This website automatically adjusts to hand held devices of all types, and computers of all sizes automatically.  When you open the site from the phone, you can now see what you need without much difficulty.  This is a huge improvement over the inflexibility of our old site.
  5. The Mission Arlington® curriculum is the most used portion of our site. Our curriculum currently is being downloaded 2,500 times a day, and it is being used to spread the good news of God’s love all over the world. Now, users can search for the curriculum in several ways – by scripture, by series, by topic, etc.  We expect there to be a learning curve as people learn how to use this new approach, but we believe this will ultimately help users find what they need from our extensive library of free Bible curriculum.  Users can also use the search box from the home page to find curriculum they need in much the same way they used to find the curriculum in the old site.

We are so grateful for all the ways you support our work here.  Don’t hesitate to send us feedback about this new site, or to let us know how we can be supportive to you.  2014 has been a good year.  We are looking forward to this new year, and we are grateful to have an updated way to stay in contact with you.  May the Lord bless you and your family here at year’s end.


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