Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Christmas is Coming!

Christmas Store 2020

Because our community gives, our Christmas Store is close to being ready for opening Day.

The Christmas Season is upon us, and Thanksgiving is in our rear-view mirror. There is so much happening that we want to share with you. First, the basic facts.

The Free Christmas Store

As you have seen published in other places, our free Christmas Store is open from December 12thDecember 22nd every day (excluding Sundays), from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The last day of the Store is December 23rd, from 10:00 a.m. until noon. Mission Arlington® will be open through the day on Christmas Eve (usually closing a little early on that day), and we will be closed on Christmas Day, the only day we close all-year-long. For so many reasons, the need continues to be great this year.  You gifts of new or nearly new toys makes such a difference. (For toy drive ideas, click HERE.  For our “Amazon wish list” click HERE. You also may be interested to know what pandemic-related adjustments we’ve made this year.

What are the Pandemic-Related Adjustments this year?
  1. Two Christmas Stores – To maximize distancing, we have added a second Christmas Store this year.  Our two Christmas Stores are identical, and will operate parallel to each other. Separate stock rooms, wrapping rooms, and gift areas will operate independently, as mirror images, keeping people separated and distanced.  The number of people allowed into each of these stores at any given point will also be limited;
  2. Two Childcare Areas – We have created an outdoor space which will operate as a second child-care area, minimizing the number of children in each area.
  3. Protocols will be in place – We will be taking temperatures,, wearing masks, while keeping people socially distanced.
Volunteer Support for the 2020 Christmas Store

Students from Blue Mountain College, Mississippi are here to provide volunteer support during the 2020 Christmas Season

Volunteers are needed.

Understandably, many volunteers who normally would serve with us, are hesitant to do so, because of the Virus. For this reason, and because we have added a second Christmas Store, volunteers are needed as much as ever before.  Volunteers help us organize and stock the Christmas Store, wrap gifts, care for children, help parents shop, and so much more.  Volunteering during the Christmas Season is so much fun, and meaningful too.

Thankful for you

Your prayers, the gift of your time and energy, along with your donations & financial support, are making such a difference in and through this place.  We are grateful to God for you.



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