Praying in the New Year

A new day, and a new year, at Mission Arlington. It is going be a great year!
The new year has begun. As the old year faded, after a full day receiving precious gifts from the community, our family gathered to pray. We thanked the Lord for the year, and committed to Him the year ahead. It was a sweet time together. We truly “prayed in” the New Year. This has become a part of the transition into each new year.
Yet, we know that prayer isn’t merely a bookend for the year. Prayer must form the fabric and foundation of our work, weaving its way through each part of the ministry. Our conviction is that the work we do can only be effective if it is produced, powered, and protected by the Lord. We truly do pray “in and throughout” the New Year. Won’t you join us?
You have certainly joined us in so many amazing ways day by day. We are so grateful for the way you wrap yourself around the people who come through our front doors every day. Your heart, and the spirit of this community truly is an answer to prayer:
You bring so many things that people need at just the right time. You give your time and energy, working alongside of us, to make a difference here, always in just the right way. Your financial support, given sacrificially, gets to real people, ordinary people, who are in a moment of need. The people who receive your gifts tell us over and over that it was an answer to their prayers.
We hope you sense this every time you come our way. We love showing up here every day, because we get to be with you as we serve our Lord. Thank you for your faithfulness here over the last three decades. Thank you so much for walking with us in and through this New Year. We can’t wait!