Rainbow Express is Ready to Roll

Outdoor running games at a Rainbow Express from Spring Break 2023.
Building Steam
Though we had one group kick us off early with an outreach in February, Rainbow Express® begins again in earnest this March, and we are so EXCITED!
This ministry is our version of a “back-yard Bible club,” with snacks, crafts, music, games, and Bible stories. Children are ready to be outside again, and this long-loved ministry of Mission Arlington® has been (for 37 years) a persistent & positive encouragement to the young people of our community. The number of student groups coming our way from across the country is on the rise, and we can’t wait to have them here, as they join us in sharing God’s love with this beautiful community.
Preparation & Prayer
The Mission family has been in prayer and preparation for Rainbow Express® for some time. Prayer for this ministry has been in our hearts and on our lips in multiple settings for the past several weeks. Our staff writes the curriculum in simple language children can comprehend, including crafts, and various teaching aids. Mission teams coming to serve receive our material weeks in advance and do their own preparation ahead of their trip. Staff and volunteers here gather materials and prepare crafts ahead of time based on the need, so that everything will be ready once groups arrive.
Ready to Roll
The heart and soul of Rainbow Express is to communicate God’s love to children & teens in heartfelt, relevant, and practical ways. We’re ready, and kickoff happens beginning in March. We will gather children in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings, starting next month, and it will continue week after week through the Summer. The Rainbow Express® engine is building steam, and ready to roll out of the station. We can’t wait!
Last Year
17,846 children & youth attended Rainbow Express® in 2023, held in 292 locations across our community. 326 young people accepted Christ.
Your Support
Please pray for the children & teens who come to listen & learn. Pray too, please, for the student groups who will give of themselves and their time to serve the Lord and to make a difference in our community. We are grateful for the privilege we have of walking this journey alongside each of you.