Revival Services Begin
Each summer, Mission Arlington® hosts revival services in several locations across our community. Our Bible studies and congregations join together for food, fellowship, worship, and community outreach, beginning in June, but continuing through the end of each summer.
Guest preachers and musicians will share with the people what the Lord has placed on their hearts, and every person will have an opportunity to begin or to renew their faith journey.
These two-to-three-day experiences typically begin with free food and fellowship around 6 p.m. The revival services start at 7:00 p.m. After a song or two, children 8 years of age and under get to enjoy Rainbow Express – with crafts, games, music, and Bible stories.
Revivals are great ways to experience God’s love, to worship the Lord freely, to enjoy the laughter and hugs from other believers, and to invite people interested in discovering a new faith journey to a safe place where they can learn more. Plus, put plainly, these revival services are a lot of fun.
If you would like to know more about our revival services, and/or if you would like to attend, click this link for our 2017 calendar to find dates and times. Or, you can call us at 817-277-6620, and we’ll get you the information you need.
Please pray with us through the summer, so that these won’t merely be revival services, but also an opportunity for revival itself to spark – in such a way that it becomes a fire which spreads through the land.