Revivals begin

A young man listens to the message at Mission Arlington’s first outdoor revival service of the season.
Toward the end of the school year, and near the arrival of summer, Mission Arlington® hosts special three-day worship services designed to help people deepen in their own spiritual walk, and also to provide a venue where many people might respond to the gospel message for the first time. For many years, we designated these events as “tent revivals,” because nearly all of them were held outside and under a tent.
How these services have changed over time:
The revival services were held primarily in June, and stationed in centralized locations across our community, making it easier for Mission Arlington® Bible studies and congregations to gather for these special times together. Each year, many new people would come to faith in Christ, and many other believers would be strengthened in their spiritual walk, and/or recommit their lives to the Lord.
As the number of our congregations have grown over the years, the needs of the people have become more diverse, and various individual congregations have grown numerically to the point where they are hosting their own revivals. Instead of having centralized locations with larger crowds, many of our revivals have grown smaller, but more focused, because they are held right where each congregation meets. By the time the summer is over, we will have hosted more than ten separate revival events.
We do a couple of special things at each revival service:
A young boy enjoys a Bouncy House at the Revival
About an hour before each experience, the Mission volunteer teams serve a meal. Usually, this involves hot dogs and chips, but over the summer, there is a variety of offerings. This allows families to attend the revival services without having to worry about dinner, and it is also a great way to gather people prior to the start of the services.
- For the children, 8 and under, we offer Rainbow Express®, our version of a backyard Bible club. The children play hard, enjoy crafts designed especially for them, sing, and hear a story from the Bible – communicated in a large and small group setting – and in a way that they can understand. Children love Revival Rainbow Express, and they learn much about faith and our Lord there.
Our first revival service was held last night on the West side of our community. The worship was sincere and beautiful. The messengers were in tune with the Spirit’s direction, and the people were responsive. We will meet in the same location this evening.
The need for spiritual awakening is evident in these days:
As you are prompted to do so, would you join us in prayer for these events? You can ask the Lord to keep His message pure, to draw people there who need to hear, and also, that these would not just be an item on our list to “check off,” but that God’s Spirit would be free to move in ways that will transform each of us, and our community, for a lifetime. If you are interested in coming to a revival in your area, give us a call, and we’ll get you set up.
We are so grateful for the way you pray, give, and volunteer to make a difference here.