Lesson 36: Jesus Has Power Over His Creation
Jesus was creating with God in the beginning. If Jesus created the oceans, fish and grain for bread, there is no reason why He cannot do as He will with those things. He is able to multiply bread and fish. He is able to walk on water. We can be assured th
Lesson 37: Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
Matthew 20:29-34. Memory verse: Matthew 7:7.
Lesson 38: Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Matthew 21:1-11. Memory verse: Matthew 21:9.
Lesson 39: Jesus Visits the Temple
Matthew 21:12-17. Memory verse: Psalm 122:1.
Lesson 39: What Does the Bible Say About Being Honest?
Matthew 26:57-68. Memory verse: Zechariah 8:16.
Lesson 40: Jesus Gives His Life for You
We are reminded that sin entered the world through Adam. Sin makes us enemies with God and because of sin, death comes to everyone. But when we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Memory verse: Romans 5:6.
Lesson 40: The Selfish Workers and the Son
Matthew 21:33-46. Memory verse: Philippians 2:3.
Lesson 40: Whom Should We Respect?
Matthew 19:13-15. Memory verse: Zechariah 8:16.
Lesson 41: He’s Alive!
After Jesus’ death on the cross, Mary Magdalene and her friends went to the tomb to prepare Jesus’ body. They were surprised to find the stone rolled away. The angel’s message to her – “Why are you looking for someone who is alive where dead men should be
Lesson 41: The Invitation
Matthew 22:1-10. Memory verse: Revelation 3:20.