What We Believe
Fundamentals of Faith. Basic information that is essential to understanding one’s relationship with the Lord.
Lesson 31: Salvation: Priesthood of Believers
This lesson speaks to understanding the Old Testament priesthood and how Jesus changed that. The learner will understand his or her role as a priest before God. Memory verse: 1 Peter 2:9.
Lesson 32: Evil and Suffering: Satan’s Part
Satan encouraged Eve and Adam to sin and has been the advocate for sin since that time. Satan tries to keep us from accepting Jesus as Lord. Memory verse: Ephesians 6:11.
Lesson 33: Evil and Suffering: God’s Part
God is a just God who must punish sin. We see in Jesus, Gods response to suffering and should understand that God suffers with us. Memory verse: Isaiah 53:5.
Lesson 34: Evil and Suffering: Christian Response
This lesson aids us in knowing that humans should humbly deal with adversity and that we should be prepared to endure whatever God allows into our lives. Memory verse: Galatians 6:2.
Lesson 35: Christian Behavior: Knowing God’s Will
This lesson seeks to assure the student that we can know God’s will and that it is best. God has a plan for each of us. Memory verse: Romans 12:2.
Lesson 36: Christian Behavior: Doing Right, Being in God’s Will
We must do the right thing when we know what God requires. Faith has a part in that good behavior, but good behavior isnt the only thing it takes to be in Gods will. Memory verse: Psalm 40:8.
Lesson 37: Christian Family: Established by God
God is the originator of family and expects us to honor the family as His creation. The family is the basic unit of society. Memory verse: Psalm 127:1.
Lesson 38: Christian Family: Fulfilling God’s Purpose
God has asssigned the roles of family members according to what He knows is best. The family is a unit that should work together to achieve God’s best. Memory verse: Proverbs 24:3.
Lesson 39: Spiritual Gifts: God’s Blessing and Human Accountability
It is important to know the gifts, as well as the fruit, of the Holy Spirit. It is the believer’s responsibility to demonstrate these fruit and use the spiritual gifts they have been given. Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 14:1.
Lesson 40: Prayer: Its Importance
Prayer is communication with the God of the universe and changes the one who prays. We are responsible to pray for others. Memory verse: Isaiah 55:6.