Students Surge into Town

This grouping of students represents 1/2 of the group here in town to lead work projects an to serve in Rainboe Express this week.
In the Cambridge English Dictionary, a surge is defined as a “sudden and great movement forward.” Over the last two weeks, Mission Arlington’s mission has certainly moved forward, as the Lord has sent 1,000 students to make a difference in our community.
Where do they come from?
These student groups of varying sizes represent churches from multiple states across America, and a number of Texas cities. Last week, students were here from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Missouri. Through Spring Break and the start of Summer, students have come from 13 Texas cities, small & large, from coast to coast.
You might think that Mission Arlington® has engaged in some kind of massive marketing campaign to enlist the help of these churches spread across the nation. However, as Tillie says often to these groups: “We did not invite you to come, but God did.” These student groups come, simply in response to the Lord’s prompting, and we are so grateful.
What do they do when they are here?
Each morning and afternoon, these student-led groups gather to worship, to hear a devotional thought from the Bible, and to pray. When this time is over, some students stay on our campus to help with a variety of work projects and tasks before us each day. The rest of the student groups head out into the community to lead Rainbow Express.® Last week, these 4-day events happened in 36 different locations. This week, our student teams are leading Rainbow Express® in 64 locations . More than 2,600 children & youth were in attendance last week, and over 6,500 have attended so far this year. Rainbow Express® includes snacks, crafts, indoor/outdoor games, singing songs, and Bible stories. Our community’s children truly have so much fun, and they learn much about the Lord.
What is the impact?
Children love these events, because of the activity in the midst of summer, the contact with & personal care from the student groups, and because they learn more about the Lord. Students who come to serve from across Texas or around the state are affected too. One student from Conway, Mo. told us this week that the week of Rainbow Express as a student volunteer last year changed His life. Wow! What a blessing.
Join us, won’t you?
Thousands more children will attend Rainbow Express® this Summer. Would you keep us in your prayers? Also, it isn’t too late for you to bring a team to come and serve. It would be so much fun, and meaningful too. Come join us, won’t you?