Summer Missionaries Arrive
We are excited to share that our first Summer Missionaries arrive here this Sunday evening. “Summer Missionaries” are high school and college-aged young people who work at Mission Arlington® for part, or for all, of the summer. Instead of taking summer jobs to get ahead financially, these students serve with us as full-time volunteers. Just under thirty are scheduled to live and work here through the summer.
These talented and energetic students are committed to Christ above all else. For this reason, they leave the comforts of home to spend their summer here – working with the Mission family to serve the children and youth in our community.
While they are here, these students will listen to and pray with people in our front room, organize and distribute food from the pantry, knock on doors out in the community inviting people to various events, lead summer programs with children and youth, and serve on teams within the various Bible studies and congregations of Mission Arlington® – – and a lot more.
These missionaries come from within the Bible studies of Mission Arlington®, from many cities across Texas, and from multiple states across North America. In addition, five of the students who serve here this summer call South Korea home. In partnership with Go Now Missions, and Korean Baptist churches, these International students will serve here for the summer.
At the end of this season as these dedicated young people have come and gone, they leave behind a field of spiritual influence in the lives of our community’s children and youth. Simply put, we are all better because they have come to give their lives here. The Mission Arlington® family is better because they have come, and we pray for them as they go. Their lives will be different too. (Read the testimonies of a few here, here, and here!)
As the Lord prompts your own heart, would you join us in prayer as these students arrive? Pray for them, and for their influence in and through the months ahead.