Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Support with a Smile!

Support for Mission Arlington® grows through the Christmas season when you do your shopping with Amazon Smile instead of Amazon.  “Smile.amazon.com” is owned by and a parallel site to amazon.com, but when you use “smile,” Amazon donates a percentage of your eligible purchases to us.

How you make this happen is easy enough. Click on the picture above, or this LINK to get to the right spot. Choose Mission Metroplex, Inc. for your charity, and then do your shopping just like you would on the normal Amazon site. The difference is that you will be contributing to the ministry here at the same time you are purchasing gifts for the season.

Oh, just think how special it will be to find the gifts you want for your family & friends, while simultaneously helping this ministry here. Your gifts through Amazon Smile will provide encouragement and practical support to families in need throughout our community.  Year-to-date Amazon has sent $1,800 as the byproduct of your gifts to others.

Purchase through Amazon smile provide for Arlington’s children.  Wow! What a blessing. We are so grateful for your constant, sacrificial support. Thank you for all the ways you support our work year-round.


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