Texas Baptists Support Medical Clinic Expansion

Dr. Julio Guarneri of Texas Baptists with Tillie Burgin, Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex.
Texas Baptists Provide Support
Texas Baptists have been supportive of Mission Arlington® from the beginning, partnering with First Baptist Church Arlington and others to help us get started. This past month, some in the Texas Baptist family learned of our need for support to complete the expansion of our Medical Clinic, and they wanted to help.
This past Wednesday, May 8th, convention representatives presented the Mission with a check for $125,000. Dr. Julio Guarneri, the Executive Director, with his wife Monica, Jerry Carlisle from the Texas Baptist Foundation, and Texas Baptist Convention President Ronnie Marriott, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Burleson, were on hand to share the good news.
Dennis Wiles, pastor and Charles Wade, pastor emeritus from FBC Arlington were also there, along with Tillie Burgin, a few staff and board members from the Mission Arlington®/Mission Metroplex® team.
It was a sweet time for everyone – to be together, and to thank God for what he has done through the Medical Clinic, and also for the many years of Kingdom partnerships shared in the room.

Andrea Wilson, Nurse Practitioner at Mission Arlington, opens a cabinet full of donated BD insulin syringes from Americares in Arlington, Texas on Mon. April 24, 2023 (Photo/Mike Demas)
Medical Clinic Growth
We’ve always responded to the medical needs of people as best we could, but it wasn’t until 2001 that we officially had a Clinic – which operated about 6 hours a week. Later that year, FNP Andrea Wilson joined the team, and the ministry began to grow, opening more hours and treating more people each year. By 2010, the Clinic was open five days (and one evening) each week, and patients were receiving care about 560 times per month.
Fast forward to the end of 2023. Thirty-two (32) doctors, along with a host of nurses and other medical volunteers treated patients 12,600 times in ten different medical disciplines: family practice, pediatrics, orthopedics, plastic surgery, physical therapy, internal medicine, gynecology, audiology, chiropractic, internal medicine and pediatrics, audiology, and physical medicine & rehabilitation.
The need for more space became evident, and a generous gift from a group of doctors got the ball rolling. The World Series Champion Texas Rangers and Major League Baseball joined in, and the expansion of the clinic began. The additional space will add several patient rooms, and a new area for medical triage, expanding our ability for volunteer doctors to treat more people daily. We are truly thankful & blessed.
Thankful to God for You
We are so grateful for the support of Texas Baptists through the years, and especially, with this legacy gift that will make a difference immediately, and for years to come. We are grateful to each of you who walk with us day by day – giving, helping, and praying for us. You truly make a difference here, and we are so blessed to walk this journey with you.