Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

Together we can make a difference! (MLK Day of Service)

Students enjoying their service at Mission Arlington during on Martin Luther King’s “Day of Service” at Mission Arlington.  Come join us, won’t you?  You can make an authentic difference with your life!”

This coming Monday, January 17th, is a national holiday, celebrating Dr. King’s birthday.  It is also a day when our community loves to give back – serving others with joy and making a difference with our lives.

Mission Arlington® will be open for this important holiday, from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.  You can come and serve for all, or for part of the day.  Come by yourself, or bring a friend.  Bring your family too, even the children.  Mission Arlington is a great place for the children to learn how to give back.  We have many age-appropriate ways that the children can join in the fun, and make a difference too.  Or, you can bring your team, civic club, business associates along too, all to make a difference here.

We are getting ready for this “Day of Service” even now.  There will be clothes to sort and food to organize, plus so many other “hands on” ways that you can make a difference.

You don’t need an appointment. Just come on in whenever you are available this Monday, and we will get your team to work.

We look forward to working alongside of you.  Together, we can make a difference!

Join us, won’t you?


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