Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

What a year! God has provided – through you!

Students from Go Now Missions, from all across Texas, pausing to pose, before the start of another busy day during Mission Arlington's Christmas Season

Students from Go Now Missions, from all across Texas, pausing to pose, before the start of another busy day during Mission Arlington’s Christmas Season.  These folks were a true blessing!

The Lord sent a group of college students here for a week during the Christmas season. They were sent by an organization called Go Now Missions, a team that sends college students out to do mission work around the world. Nineteen of these young people landed here mid-December. They were extraordinary young Christian leaders who helped us with anything and everything happening here during the Christmas season – from our front room, to out back, to our Christmas Store.  They were a blessing not only to us, but also to the many they served in our community.

Laura Cadena, a student from Angelo State University, served at Mission Arlington this Christmas.

Laura Cadena, a student from Angelo State University, served at Mission Arlington this Christmas.

Laura Cadena, a student at Angelo State University, shared her experiences with a news journal called The Baptist Standard.  Laura worked in our child care at the Christmas Store, then in our front room helping people in need.  She saw God working in miraculous ways, providing for people’s precise needs at just the right moments.   Laura, along with those she was helping, was moved to tears.

You can read Laura’s full testimony here.

As we look back on this past twelve months, from the perspective of our perch at year’s end, Laura’s testimony is also our own.  We see the way that our Lord has provided – not for us so much – but for the people who have specific needs coming through our front doors every day, and always at just the right time.

What we also know is that these resources come from and through you.  Because you give, we can, in turn, give it away.  As we enter this last day of 2015, as has been the case all week long, car after car is streaming through our drop-off out back.  There seems to be such joy in people as they give, and beautifully, we receive the hugs and the smiles, and the gratitude.  We are so humbled and blessed – as we have been all year long.

We are grateful for you, and the partnership we share as we respond to our community’s needs together.  We know that God is our ultimate resource, but we also know deeply that he has used your generosity, and your sacrifices to help people get the hand up they need.

Thank you so much for your support – your prayers, volunteer help, and your financial gifts throughout this year.  May God grant each of you, from our heart to yours, a . . .

“Happy New Year!”


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