Youth Services
Working with children and youth is a big part of what Mission Arlington® does all year long. We have a special love for teenagers. We know that in these “in-between years,” they are becoming the person they are going to be for the rest of their lives.
In the Scriptures, Paul encouraged Timothy not to let anyone look down on him, because he was young.” In his youth, Paul challenged young Timothy to set an example “in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity” (I Timothy 4:12).
The Mission Arlington® family understands that teenagers go through so much as they grow up in our day. We are so proud of the young people who attend our Bible studies and congregations. We love watching them grow in their own faith, so we do what we can – whenever we can – to be a support to them as they try to follow Christ and to live in this world.
On Thursday of Holy week every year, Mission Arlington® hosts a youth-oriented, Maundy Thursday service designed to bring youth together from across the city. This past Thursday night, 289 young people came with their Bible study leaders to a joint worship service held in central Arlington. They watched a video about the suffering, the death, and resurrection of the Lord, then took the Lord’s supper together. Afterwards, they received pizza, then spent time in small groups with their Bible study leaders discussing what they had experienced.
What we observe, again and again, is that there are some very special teenagers all across our community who love the Lord, serve Him faithfully, and who are growing in their faith every day. We believe that our future is in great hands. We are so humbled to have the privilege of walking side by side with these young people in our day.
Thank you so much for the way you walk with Mission Arlington through each part of our year. We are grateful for your support, your help, and your prayers each and every day.