Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex


Mission Arlington Lessons written in Spanish.

Lesson 29: Why Go to Church ?

Acts 2:5-11, 42-46. Memory verse: Proverbs 3:5.

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Published Date: July 22, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: Acts, Proverbs,

Lesson 29: The Boy Jesus in the Temple

Jesus grew. On a trip to Jerusalem, Jesus parents did know that He had stayed when they left. They searced for three days. And although His parents didn’t completely understand, they found Jesus right where He should have been. The Bible tells us that Jes

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Published Date: July 22, 2007
Topics: Miscellaneous
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: God's Big Plan
Scriptures: Luke,

Lesson 29: Who Am I?

Matthew 16:13-26. Memory verse: Matthew 16:16.

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Published Date: July 22, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: Matthew,
Published Date: July 29, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: John, Proverbs,

Lesson 30: Jesus Obeys God

Jesus began His ministry in obedience to God. First, He was baptized, not because of sin, but because it was the right thing to do. Then, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit in to the wilderness to be tempted. And although He was tempted, He didn’t sin. Jesu

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Published Date: July 29, 2007
Topics: Miscellaneous
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: God's Big Plan
Scriptures: Matthew, Psalms,
Published Date: July 29, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: John, Matthew,
Published Date: August 5, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: Acts, John,

Lesson 31: Jesus Has Power over Evil

Matthew 17:14-23; 8:28-34. Memory verse: 1 John 4:4.

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Published Date: August 5, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: 1 John, Matthew,

Lesson 31: Twelve Follow Jesus

Many people chose to follow Jesus. Twelve men were chosen especially to walk with Jesus, spend time with Him and follow Him. When chosen, they left what they were doing and followed Him. We should also follow in His steps. Memory verse: 1 Peter 2:21.

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Published Date: August 5, 2007
Topics: Miscellaneous
Languages: English, Spanish,
Series: God's Big Plan
Scriptures: 1 Peter, John,
Published Date: August 12, 2007
Languages: English, Spanish,
Scriptures: Acts, Mark,


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