Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex


 Administration  Person to call  Phone number E-mail
 * Executive Director  Tillie Burgin  817-704-6170  Tillie
* Operations Clark Burgin 817-704-6151 Clark
 * Business/Accounting  Debbie Musgrave  817-704-6141  Debbie M.
 * Field Director  Lauren Musgrave  817-704-6142  Lauren
 * Communications  Jim Burgin  817-704-6143  Jim
Donations Contact Phone number E-Mail
 * Scheduling a pickup  Emily Wilcher  817-704-6153  Emily
 * Monetary donation  Debbie Musgrave  817-704-6141  Debbie M.
 * Vehicle donation  Debbie Musgrave  817-704-6141  Debbie M.
 * Dispatch  Marne Phipps  817-704-6154  Dispatch
Assistance  Contact  Phone number  E-mail
 * Questions about Receiving Assistance  Office  817-277-6620  Jim
 * Assistance Follow-Up (Pledge Line)  Marci Hill  817-704-6146  Marci
Volunteer Opportunities  Contact  Phone  E-mail
* Individuals/families Jim Burgin 817-704-6143  Volunteers
 * Mission Trips Heather, Jim  817-277-6620  Mission Trip
 * Group opportunities Heather, Jim  817-277-6620  Groups
 * Summer/semester
  Heather  817-277-6620  Missionaries
 * Community service/
Service Learning
 Regina  817-277-6620 x 6093  Community Service
Health Person to Call Phone number E-mail
* Counseling  Counseling Services  817-704-6144  Counseling
* Dental Clinic  Jean Cagle  817-277-6620 x 3010  Dental Clinic
* Dental Clinic Appointments (1st
Mon., 8:30 a.m.)
 Jean Cagle  817-860-4474  Dental Clinic
* Medical Clinic  Andrea Wilson, FNP  817-277-9597  Medical Clinic
* Medical Equipment  Office  817-277-6620  Equipment
Other Areas  Person to Call  Phone number E-maIl
* Rainbow Express  Heather  817-277-6620  Heather
* Spanish  Voice Mail  817-277-6620 x 8101  None
* Technology/ITT  817-704-6149  Technology
* Transportation  Marne or Debbie M.  817-277-6620  Transportation



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