A Gift which Keeps on Giving

For Christmas Store hours and more information, click here.
Christmas is around the Corner
Christmas is around the corner, but here at Mission Arlington®, we have been preparing for Christmas all year! December 8th is the first day of our annual Christmas Store where parents choose free gifts for their children.
We are decorating the store, stocking the shelves, and praying daily for the lives that will enter the building and be blessed. Families don’t only receive gifts; they also hear the Christmas Story read from Luke chapter 2. More than 30,000 children were helped last year.
Here is a note from one special mother who wants to reconnect this holiday:
“I would like to share with you how I am so grateful with Mission Arlington. A few years ago, my family and I were struggling through a financial crisis. My husband and I had literally nothing to offer our 3 children that year ( then ages 9, 7, and 3.)
We wanted to make it special for them, but we didn’t know how – until we came across the Christmas Store the Mission had to offer. I know I will forever be grateful for the gifts given to our children that year.
This year, it would be such a great honor for me to be a part of that special giving and love that was once shared with me. It would be such an honor for me to volunteer for the Christmas Store this year.
I would like to know, if perhaps, there is a possibility I could volunteer and what I need to do in order to participate.”
A Memorable, Life-Changing Experience
The Christmas Store is a memorable experience for people who give and those who receive. We are grateful to God for the way he provides toys, volunteers, and resources so people can be blessed and, in turn, bless others.