Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex

And, they’re off!

Flying high, having fun, at a Mission Arlington children's camp for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.

Flying high, having fun, at a Mission Arlington children’s camp for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.

Early this morning, Bible study leaders – volunteers – gathered at Mission Arlington®’s offices downtown to pick up vans and other vehicles. They spread out across this community to pick up fourth, fifth, and sixth graders heading to Mission Arlington’s summer camp.  It is a beautiful sight to see the buses rolling back into, then lined up on,  South Street – filled with excited and happy young people – ready for a fun-filled day.  There is radiance, a kind of joy, on the faces of Bible study leaders who will get to spend the day investing in these young people.  It feels good to everyone involved. These leaders know that this is going to be a great day of fun. The prayer has been that this day will also have a significant spiritual impact on the campers.

It is always fun to watch the processional. Tillie Burgin, the Mission’s Director for nearly three decades, stands at the front of the line, and waves at each bus and each group of excited kids as they pass by.  The campers are headed to Camp Thurman just a few miles from downtown. The good folks at Thurman have partnered with the mission for years now, making the camp available, and these series of Saturday camps much cheaper than they would be anywhere else.  Mission Arlington®, provides these camps “free of charge” to every child who goes. In fact, every service provided by the Mission is free.  Tillie then takes a shortcut to the camp, arriving before the buses, and greets the children as they arrive. They are always surprised to see her, and there is some chatter among the children about how she could do that. Leaders just smile and let it remain a mystery.

At the camp today, these young people will take turns swimming, climbing towers and sliding down zip lines, run through very wet slip-n-slides, have a healthy lunch of grilled burgers, chips, and cookies, and listen to a Bible story told by people who know just how to communicate with children.   Bible study leaders, summer missionaries, Camp Thurman volunteers, and the entire Mission Arlington® team will get to know them better, give lots of hugs, run & play, swim, and just have fun all day long.  Looks like it going to be another great day.

Today’s camp is the second one of the summer so far.  We still have five more camps to go, including camps for younger children and for youth.  Last year, more than 1,100 students enjoyed and learned from a Mission Arlington® camp.

As the camp winds up for today, we want to take a moment to express our thanks to you.  Most of you won’t actually be at the camp today physically, but in a very real way, you really are there.  When you give to Mission Arlington’s work, when you volunteer to lift a load here, when you pray for us, your presence is felt.  The family at Mission Arlington believes that we operate on the “prayers of the people.” That is our foundation, and our lifeline. We can give, because you gave first.  Thank you so much for your support of our work. Thank you for making a difference in the life of a child.  We are grateful for the privilege we have of serving our Lord together in this community.


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